….que Dios le bendiga!
Antes de iniciar este semestre me sentía muy preocupada por mis estudios, ya que existía la posibilidad de no poder continuar. Sin embargo, después de que acepté que no iba a poder continuar y confié en que Dios sabía lo que Él hacia, algo maravilloso ocurrió. Dios me mostró uno de los tantos planes que tiene para mi vida. Porque gracias al apoyo de la comunidad the SELU Wesley pude continuar estudiando este semestre. Este es mi tercer semestre en Southeastern, y es tal vez el mejor hasta ahora, porque siento la presencia de Dios en mi vida y en la vida de las personas que me rodean. He sido recibida y bienvenida en esta comunidad. Me siento muy afortunada de recibir este apoyo y muy feliz por continuar estudiando.
~ Madeline ~
(Rough translation) Before starting this semester I felt very worried about my studies, since there was the possibility of not being able to continue. However, after I accepted that I was not going to be able to continue and I trusted that God knew what He was doing, something wonderful happened. God showed me one of the many plans he has for my life. Because thanks to the support of the SELU Wesley I was able to continue studying this semester. This is my third semester in Southeastern, and it is perhaps the best so far, because I feel the presence of God in my life and in the lives of people around me. I have been welcomed and welcomed into this community. I feel very fortunate to receive this support and very happy to continue studying.
~ Madeline ~
(Challenge: Learn the native language of our fellow students from other countries. It shows you care AND makes you SMARTER!!)