Southeastern Wesley
307 West Dakota Street
Hammond, LA 70401
(985) 345-6175
What’s our WHY…
The Wesley exists to serve the students, faculty, and staff of Southeastern Louisiana University body, mind, and soul.
What we’re about…
We believe that God is always speaking. The question is whether we are listening? The Wesley is a come-as-you-are, authentic community committed to finding out what it means to live like Jesus, and what it means to lead others to Jesus. There is no question that is off-limits, and you do not have to believe in order for you to belong. We only ask that you will consider seeing yourself as we see you...as God see's you!
Anthonate Jeptoo
I am grateful to God for allowing me to be part of Wesley community for they are blessings in my life. Wesley has wonderful and amazing people to help us grow in all sectors of life and feel loved. I am glad to work with Wesley and I know nothing can separate us from the love of God Romans 8:39.
My dream is to give my best in my field of Nursing, community, and track and field.
Rev. Sam Hubbard
First and foremost, as I have discovered fairly recently, I am made in the image of God. Sometimes, that still sounds weird to me ... the rest of the time it's humbling, challenging, comforting, or frightening.
To beautifully complicate things I’m a father to Colin and Faith, and the Alpha Male to our pups, Nala and Loki
Mostly, I just want to help make God free for people, and people free for God.
Oh…just in case we never meet…or no one has told you. The God of the Universe loves you. There’s nothing you can do to make God love you anymore than God does at this very moment. There’s nothing you will ever do that will make God love you less than God does at this very moment.
So there’s that…..
Olivia Bath
First things first, I was homeschooled so don’t ask questions.
I’m a second semester junior, I am hoping to graduate in three years with the class of 2024 in social studies education.
First semester trying to find my safe place, also trying really hard for it not be be my roommates safe place (the Wesley). Ida happened. After Ida I started going to the Wesley. I now spend more time there than my own house. They became the support I needed. And oops now I’m the Lion Pride Career Closet intern, but I wouldn’t change a thing!