Loving (Worship)
Whether you believe in God, or not. Worship is an action of us saying with our actions “this is the most important thing righ now in my life.” It's not a one-time or once-a-week event that leaves you with a fleeting, mountaintop euphoria. It's a 24-hours-a-day, 7-days-a-week lifestyle that oozes out of your words and actions with your friends and at home, work, and school. We provide various ways to engage in worship through these large group “expressions” below.
Free Lunch Wed.
We think food is a BIG deal. It fuels our bodies, but it also fuels our soul. Every Wednesday, we offer and share a healthy, tasty, and completely free meal with anyone who wants or needs it.
Table Talk
We all know that our body needs food, but what about our minds...and our souls! Every Tuesday night (in-person) and Wednesday night (digital) during and between semesters, we feed all three.
We all know that our body needs food, but what about our minds...and our souls! Every Tuesday night from 6-8pm, we’ll feed all three.