…into a sanctuary…
When I accepted the job of Intern here at the Wesley, I never imagined I would become so attached to a building. I was lucky enough to be a part of the recent renovations of the Wesley Foundation with so many other wonderful people. It seemed like just when we thought something was going wrong, the right person for the job showed up out of nowhere to help! So many different people from all walks of life poured themselves into making this place a great place for everyone on Southeastern’s campus.
It was amazing to see everyone come together with so much love to make it happen in only two months! But not as amazing as it is to watch the students walk through the doors and stop dead in their tracks by how everything looks now. It is my favorite part of Wednesdays when we have our free lunch! (If you didn’t know, we offer a free lunch for all students Wednesday from 11:30 -1:30!)
But, the SELU Wesley has quickly grown to be more than just a building for me. It has now morphed into a sanctuary, a safe place where everyone is welcomed with open arms. Whether you’re a believer or not, we meet you where you are with a hot cup of coffee and some awkwardness to make you feel right at home! The SELU Wesley is a place where you can come and just be exactly who you are. You never know what’s going to happen here from day to day but you can be sure you will laugh, either with the usual crew you find here or even at us. Many of our students describe it as a home away from home and that’s exactly what is it! We are a family here, helping each other with whatever it may be, and we are always looking to welcome new people.
So if you’re looking for a place to belong, this is the place to come. If you looking for a place to grow in your faith with like-minded people, this is the place for you (literally something going on all the time). If all you want is a hot cup of coffee and a quite space to just relax, we’ve got you covered.
But most importantly, if you’re looking for a place with people who will accept you for you, laugh with you, help you out of the tough places in life, and just love you, this is the place you need in your life and we need you just as much!